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The title “Mary Most Pure” is one of the most beautiful and deep invocations one can find in Catholic tradition for the Blessed Virgin Mary. This name says not only that she was a virgin but also comprises the purity of soul and body, of thought and deed.
According to Catholic theology, Mary’s purity is unique and complete, kept from original sin by a singular grace of God from the moment of her conception in view of the future function that would place her as Mother of Christ. The preservation from sin made her, as the Angel Gabriel proclaimed, “full of grace.” Unlike any other human being, Mary’s soul was never touched by the shadow of sin, making her truly “Most Pure” in every sense.
The aspect of Mary’s purity far outreaches the simple absence of sin. It is a positive fullness of grace, a complete turning to God that permeated every aspect of her life. In her famous “Fiat”- “Let it be done to me according to your word”-one finds this purity expressed as perfect alignment with God’s will. There was no hesitation, no self-interest, no ulterior motive-just pure and unconditional acceptance of God’s plan.
This perfect purity made Mary the ideal vessel for carrying the Son of God. Just as pure water reflects light perfectly, so too does the pure soul of Mary reflect God’s love into the world undistorted and unflawed. The early Fathers often likened her to a pristine mirror reflecting God’s glory and remaining unblemished and clear.
Mary’s purity has inspired and aspired the faithful throughout Christian history. We can never attain to the same degree of sinlessness as she, but her example does show us what it means to live in complete harmony with God’s will. Her purity teaches us that true holiness isn’t just a matter of avoiding sin; it’s a matter of filling our lives so full with love of God that there’s no room for anything else.
In the concrete living of our spiritual life, devotion to Mary Most Pure can be a guide and inspiration in a life of greater personal holiness: in temptation, an example to strengthen faithfulness; in decisions, a model to imitate in clear-sighted focusing on God’s will; and when the heart needs cleansing, maternal intercession.
This designation reminds us of the importance of purity in all its manifestations: purity of intention, purity of heart, purity in relationships, purity in worship. Living as we do in a world where compromise and moral relativism are the order of the day, Our Lady’s absolute purity stands as an icon of hope and a reminder that, with God’s grace, we too can resist corruption and strive for holiness.
It was not a passive purity, nor essentially a defensive one; rather, it is dynamic, it is life-giving. In her pure “Yes” to God, Mary becomes the channel whereby salvation came into the world. She teaches us true purity does not imply retreat from the world but rather engagement with the world to bring God’s light to others.
Contemplating Mary Most Pure invites one to regard purity not as constraint, but as freedom-freedom to love God and others unhindered by the hindrances of sin. Her purity remains a gift that continues to inspire and guide the Church, showing us how beautiful it is when life flows in full harmony with God’s will.

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